Tuesday, September 16, 2008

And An Opposing View

Being the blog moderator is kinda like being (emphasis on lower case) 'g'od. I get the pleasure of reading comments before they are posted and then decide whether or not to post them. Having experienced what it was like when Yahoo! had free-for-all forums, I admit I like it this way.

But being a constitutional freak - I believe in free speech no matter how much it personally offends me. So, David, here are your comments to the post by HJackson - minus offensive words:

"You think your dogs deserve space, just like children do?You're a selfish, greedy lazy dog owner and you don't 'deserve' squat.

The good thing is idiots like you will help bring out non dog owners to smack down this notion that your dogs are entitled to free public space to piddle in and generally trash."

The truth is that many people are responsible dog owners and know that creating an environment that is generally distasteful isn't in any one's best interests. What this poster - if he truly has an opinion on this subject or is merely a flamer - fails to note is that many cities are adopting a variety of open space models in order to foster a greater sense of community. It's smart and increases the level of citizen safety when we all get to know our neighbors better.

Walnut Creek just opened their dog park and from the pictures (no I haven't been personally -personal disclaimer I'm asmahtic so having them in my car offers a host of problems) it looks very inviting.

And what 'David' doesn't know is that HJackson along with myself are parents and are not just spoiled DINKS who don't 'get it'. One of our incumbent city supervisors, in explaining her stand on the notion of open space in perpetuity, clearly indicated that Martinez has many "slivers" of undeveloped open space. If having dog park space set aside within our current under-utilized public parks system is not acceptable apparently there are plenty of other options.

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